Illustrations, design edition and layout.
«Retratos de lo Invisible. Las Caras de la Esclerosis Múltiple» («Invisible Portraits: The Faces of Multiple Sclerosis») is an illustrated album tailored for a young adult and adult audience, with the purpose of shedding light on the experiences of individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis.
Sara Gil-Perotín, a neurologist at La Fe University Hospital in Valencia, Spain, compiles real-life testimonies of individuals with MS in this book, aiming to bring visibility to the daily experiences of the thousands of people worldwide who suffer from this disease. This book is part of the altruistic project led by this doctor: AHORA CON LA EM, in collaboration with the Multiple Sclerosis Association of the Valencian Community.
Author: Sara Gil-Perotín
Published by: ACVEM and Ajuntament d’Albaida
Tecnique: Digital painting. Procreate